Monday, September 13, 2010

The Proverbial Champagne on the Hull

So I've decided to join the blogging bandwagon. A bit late, I know... but it's better late than never, I always say... (and I do say it often, as I'm seldom on time for anything.)
Now, you ask, "What's this all about? Love? Class? What are you talking about?"
The simple answer is this: They're two things the world always needs more of. I believe that by discussing these topics, we can create more of these two lovely things.
"Why have you suddenly decided to start writing?"
Silly reader... I've always been writing. In high school, I kept both a LiveJournal and a physical diary. Since I've grown up a bit, I've deleted the LJ thing, and put everything into paper. It's great to talk to yourself on paper, but there's no feedback (unless, of course, you're Tara).
"What do you hope to accomplish?"
I hope to make some pretty poignant public points about what makes someone have (or not have) class, and  teach a thing or two along the way. I also hope to talk about feelings, relationships, and I'll probably touch on gay and human rights if I get bored or angry enough. To put it even more simply: I hope to talk about life and living, and why it's beautiful.
"When can I read new updates?"
Full of questions, arentcha? Well, I can promise you weekly updates... If not, then more. No specific night, no specific time. I live a busy life, and despite being able to write on paper whenever a thought crosses my conscious, I can't always get to a computer.
"Who and Where are you, anyway?"
I don't want to talk too much about who I am, because we're here to talk about other things, but I will tell you a few facts that may make digesting what I have to say a little less like agita. I'm a gay New Yorker in my mid-20's. I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual. I've been through an awful lot in my short life, and I'm older than my years. I try to keep an open mind about everything, but I do wind up judging just about everything in the end. I'd like to call myself a foodie, a wino, or a beer snob, but I don't know enough in any of those fields. What I do know are the interactions between two people, or even two groups. Maybe three, who knows...

Anyway, read on to figure out if you like what goes on in my head.

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